Tips to enjoy your time between trips


Momondo has some tips on how to make the most of your time on a flight with one or several long stopovers.

Are you flying with one or several long stopovers? Momondo search network has left some tips on how to take advantage of this waiting time between travels. The offer at airports is different and these are tips that fit all budgets and that can help you enjoy your free time.

1. Leave the airport. If you can't avoid the stopover, then try to make it a really long one so you can get out of the airport, take a walk, and explore your destination. Do not forget, however, to confirm if an entry visa is required, the waiting times in the security controls and, if applicable, if there are luggage storage services at the airport.

2. Enjoy a lounge. In case you can not, or don't want, to leave the airport, there are other things you can do. Why not trying out a private lounge? There you can enjoy free drinks, newspapers, internet and even a quiet environment.

3. Exercise. If the trip is long, and the stopover too, you can search and try to access a gym or fitness centre at the airport or in a hotel in or near it. After exercising, a good shower is the icing on the cake.

4. Take your time to rest. Practically all airports have places where you can rest. Some have quiet areas with loungers and sleeping pods and some have hotels. If you can not find a specific sleeping area, look for a quiet corner or a boarding gate that is not being used.

5. Explore the airport. If you do not have the time or money to go to a lounge, to exercise, to sleep or to leave the airport, the suggestion is to explore the airport where you are. You can have a look at the shops, meet people and even relax by a window watching the planes departing or landing. There are airports with plenty of entertainment, such as London Heathrow and Schipol in Amsterdam, which have art areas, as well as the San Francisco International with its own museum.

6. Entertain the children. If you are travelling with children and if you run out of games, movies or sleep time during the trip, you will see that these breaks will be greatly appreciated. When you can not get out of the airport, be aware that some have children's zones, where you can find slides, comic strips and cribs.

7. Prepare yourself for the long stopover. The last suggestion of momondo is to think about what it takes to face a long stopover. Earplugs, sleeping mask, books, tv series and movies on your tablet, mobile phone, or laptop (and their chargers - by the way, inquire about the type of socket used at your destination), a blanket or extra layers of clothing, a bottle of water to refill, snacks and a change of clothes are essential items.