Brazil aims to promote tourism


In an event on Olympics opportunities and legacies, the Brazilian Minister of Tourism Henrique Eduardo Alves informed he intends to enlarge the international promotion of Brazil, taking advantage of the Olympic and Paralympic Games 2016.

"So that Brazil can profit from all its tourism potential, public investments should be increased," said the minister on August 13th.

To make the Olympics – in which 25,000 journalists and 70,000 volunteers will participate - more impressive, Alves made a comparison with figures from the World Cup, which took to the country 15,000 press professionals and only 25,000 volunteers.

Eduardo Paes, Rio de Janeiro Mayor, states that "the reason to host this event is not the celebration, but to promote the transformation of the city." Thiers Montebello, President of the municipality Court of Auditors, adds that after the Olympics "a new Rio de Janeiro will be reborn."
